Carmel Day Celebration

The Feast of our Lady of Mount Carmel the patroness of our school is celebrated annually on July 16th. On this day we recall Mary’s motherly patronage, guidance and her loving care and protection. This day is also celebrated as Foundation day of the Apostolic Carmel Congregation.

The cultural programme of Carmel Convent Kindergarten, Ratanpur, Bhopal was held on 12th July. This celebration gives an opportunity to students to present their talents in different fields like music, dance, literary, etc. The school was beautifully decorated and everybody was dressed in colourful dress. The programme began with the arrival of the Honourable guests, Reverend Sister Pushpa, Reverend Sister Modesta, Reverend Sister Rose Tom, Reverend Sister Ancila and Reverend Sister Ance. Then the students of KG sang the opening song and the programme started running it's own rhythm. A special assembly was conducted by the students of class KG 2. To make the day more glorious students gave various solo and group performances: dancing, singing, speech and instrument play. The high spirited and well dresses kinder clan was a treat to eyes.

This beautiful Carmel day celebration concluded successfully with great words of encouragement and appreciation from the School Principal and the KG Headmistress and it went towards a beautiful ending of the programme.