Carmel Convent Sr.Sec.School Ratanpur Bhopal


General Rules


General Rules

  1. Attendance for all the Periodic Tests and Term Exams is compulsory.No student will be allowed to leave the school immediately after the Exam/test before the scheduled departure time except on medical grounds.
  2. There is no provision of Re-test of any periodic test or Term Exam under any circumstances.
  3. If a student represents school for an important event, re-test is permissible that too at the discretion of the Principal.
  4. Student indulging in unfair means during any periodic test/Term exam will be awarded zero in that subject. No retest will be conducted for such students and repetition of the same will result in expulsion. They will NOT be eligible for any academic award or any post in the student council of the school.
  5. ;Carmel Convent Sr. Sec. School implies on the part of the pupil and the parents' willingness to comply with the requirements and regulations of the school.
  6. Students, whenever they come to school, must wear the uniform prescribed for the session. Those who are not in proper uniformmay be excluded from the class or even sent home.
  7. Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, neglect of homework, disobedience and disrespect towards the members of the staffor bad moral influence will lead to rustication. The pupils are responsible to the school authorities for their conduct both in and outside the school.
  8. Repeated absence, or absence for more than fourteen consecutive days without proper leave application renders a student liable to have her/his name struck off the rolls.
  9. Special arrangement for examinations cannot be made for pupils who, for no reason, are absent from any of the tests or examinations. In case of leave from oral or written exam, the students are not eligible to get, grade, rank etc. in the respective exam.
  10. A student who fails twice in the same class will not be permitted to continue studies in this school.
  11. Any student found resorting to unfair means in any examination will not be allowed to write the rest of the papers in that semester examination and will not be allowed to continue studies in this school in the next session.
  12. Students are not allowed to be absent on the closing day/ reopening day, or whenever there is a school function.
  13. The fee is subject to change from time to time, due to the increasing cost of maintenance and other expenses.
  14. Parents and students are also bound by the rules and regulations laid down in the School Diary.
  15. .Students are not allowed to bring motor cycles/ scooters/ mopeds etc. to school.
  16. Students are not allowed to bring mobiles to the school. If they are caught using the mobiles, it would be taken by authorities and returned only after the payment of fine.
  17. Students are to be clean-shaven at all times while representing the school.
  18. .No visible jewellery is to be worn. Jewellery of religious or cultural significance may be worn but must be covered at all times. Make-up must not be worn. Students are not permitted to have visible tattoos.
  19. Boys are not permitted to have any kind of modish haircut, instead keep only the normal and ordinary haircut. Hair should be cut at regular intervals and ensure that it remains combed and tidy.
  20. Girls with short hair have to wear hair bands. Girls with long hair have to tie their hair in two ponies/plaits according to the length of the hair
  21. .75% attendance is necessary for promotion to the next class.
  22. Self driven vehicle is not allowed