Carmel Convent Sr.Sec.School Ratanpur Bhopal


General Admission Rules


General Admission Rules

1. Every candidate for admission must be introduced in person to the Principal by one who will be responsible for the child

2. For admission to any class, the candidates must pass an entrance test. The test will be based on the subject taught in the previous class to which they seek admission.

3. Admission depends on the performance of the candidate in the test. The discretion of the Principal will be final.

4. A student may be removed by school authorities on any one of the following grounds.

   (i) Habitual idleness and disobedience

   (ii) Behavioural problem.

  (iii) Indifference to the school activities.

  (iv) Moral breach considered serious by the school.

5. The Principal has the right to refuse the continuation of studies to any pupil in this school whose conduct or behaviour is not appropriate.

6. Transfer certificate will be released only on the clearance of the school dues.

7. Application for T.C. must be submitted one week in advance.

8. No. T.C. will be issued during the holidays.